Tuesday, April 20, 2010

new things on the horizon

You may have noticed a new header on my blog. This is the beginning of things to come. People may know I own a successful Graphic Design agency in Surry Hills. Check it out. www.frescocreative.com.au and although this rocks we have been going for 11yrs and well I am getting itchy feet and want to branch out into something new. Hence the blog header... this is my something new.

I won't let the secret out of the bag just yet but the wheels are definatlely in motion. If you can guess drop me a line. I would love to see just what you think I am up to.

Stay tuned

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for stopping by my little blog and leaving a comment! I had a peak at your company, looks amazing, very inspiring indeed, as a mother of two things can happen that are bigger than you dream.
take care xox
Little Raven Ink