Monday, August 6, 2012

Children's clothes - finding the inspiration

As I get older i get wiser. Isn't that what the old saying is... I certainly am more aware of myself, what I like and what I don't like.
I get asked a lot why I am starting a new venture/business when my life is already so busy. I did ask myself that very question as well. The answer is... I feel good when I can give something back. This business isn't about making money it is about me being able express my creative side and offer a range of clothing for children that is trendy, inspiring and affordable.

I love when my children are able to express themselves. Kids need to be kids. I don't think they need to wear black skinny jeans, fur vests and leopard skin. In my opinion there is plenty of time for black and glamour. (my opinion only... I am not judging other people choices at all.)

I love when my daughter wears something colourful and fun and I love when my sons are wearing bright coloured shorts and t-shirts that don't necessarily match but somehow work.

Kids need to be kids in my humble opinion and that is what hopefully loopylu children's wear will be able to offer mums and children.

Colour in our world - inspiring


Kate Moore said...

Do you know, my favourite place in any op shop is the "dress up" box. It's where the riot of colours spills from and I am guessing shop volunteers who can't imagine anyone actually wearing this stuff. My most favourite wardrobe items are from the dress up box.

louise said...

Dress ups are the best. I agree and hopefully I can offer clothing that look like dress ups for kids but somewhat co-ordinated for mums approval. Fingers crossed my vision works. Thanks for your post.

Rowantree Design said...

Good luck with your label. Will you be making in Australia? The foundation of Rowantree Design is about offering a collection of children's pieces that are simple, highly durable, fun and comfortable to wear. My styles are simple and designed to capture the essence and beauty of childhood.

Let me now if you need an advice.

louise said...

I think the same as you Rowantree. Mums want durable, fun and addorable pieces that children will want to wear and mum will approve of.
I am going to make the clothes off shore. Sourcing that at the moment but patterns and samples have all been done locally. I am working with a great pattern maker.
Any tips would be really helpful. I am doing things one step at a time.