Monday, September 24, 2012

Quick update

Remember the other day I mentioned that there was a lot to do before the launch... well it just got a whole lot crazier. We just bought a new house!!! and are going to sell our home! in the next 5 weeks!!!
Exciting and stressful times ahead. Photos of our house were done today, I cant wait to see them. We spent all weekend cleaning and fixing our house so it would look amazing in the photographs. Fingers crossed it pays off.

Our new house is in an amazing location, great block with partial sea views. The house itself is nothing special but we have the plan (down the track) to knock down and re-build. So until then we just need to make do... did I mention that the kitchen is Orange!!!!

On the loopylu front the samples came back to me on Friday and there were a few alterations to the designs so they have gone back to the pattern maker for adjusting before getting them back to Kay the sample maker. The clock is ticking but everything is moving forward so no complaints from me. I am enjoying the challenge, we all need a project to b working on, I just didn't plan on three at the same time.

Also my kids are on holidays so fitting in play dates, movies, swims in between alterations, dusting, rearranging, and web creating. I LOVE IT and wouldn't be doing it any other way. Told you I like to be busy.

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